not long to go

On the 21st of May the 'Brandhorst Museum' opens for the public. It belongs to the 'Kunstareal der Pinakotheken' in Munich and will present several art works from Pop Art Artist Andy Warhol. Other names will be Pablo Picasso, Damian Hirst and Joan Miró.
These paintings will make sure, that everything will be very modern and with that, probably even more interesting for the young.

The building already looks very appealing for people, who walk by.

And as a special plus there is the possibility to show visitors the museum as a student or older school kid after you've absolved the 'pi.lot course', which takes one week. After that you can call yourself a guide and once in a month on sundays tell the interested parties everything about 'your' picture.
x Katryna

[Picture 2 from www.dezeen.com]
Oh, and by the way, it's DAN`s birthday today. Wish you just the best my love!

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